by Lucy Pringle

Man-made crop circle formation between Cherhill and Yatesbury in Wiltshire (UK), in 2007.
Copyright: Lucy Pringle - www.lucypringle.co.uk
In the spring of 2007 I was approached by North One Television to appear in a programme they were producing on behalf of the National Geographic called `I Didn’t Know That`. One of the subjects to be investigated was crop circles. I made careful enquiries as to the content of this programme and their approach to the subject. I was told they were interested in the scientific aspect and the work I had conducted in this area.
I also asked if I was going to be the only person interviewed and was told that I was the only person. As I have grown increasingly sceptical about the motives behind so called `scientifically` based programmes` I felt it was necessary to obtain this assurance
The interview was conducted in theYatesbury barley formation, nr Avebury Trusloe. Not long after I questioned North One Television about a crop formation that had appeared in an obscure corner of a field near Yatesbury. They admitted that they had commissioned this circle to be made.

Editor's note: The design of the formation commissioned by "Nat. Geographic" in 2007 was
clearly a simple variation of this formation discovered in at Savernake Forest, near
Marlboroug, in Wiltshire in July 2004.
Copyright: Lucy Pringle - www.lucypringle.co.uk
Clearly I was not the only person to be interviewed.
Worse still was to come when I was sent the CD of the programme. National Geographical CD, © NGC Network LLC. Produced by North One Television Midlands. (After it had been released and shown to the public).
In the Introduction we are told that this programme is going to reveal surprising facts that are guaranteed to make you say `I didn’t know that .` We are then introduced to two industrial scientists Richard Ambrose and Johnny Phillips `who don’t mind getting their hands dirty when it comes to establishing the facts`.
There were three trailers during the programme; the first one says `strange goings on the night. What really creates crop circles? And then proceeds to show men in the field making the commissioned man made formation.
The second trailer titled `Still to come` asks `Are aliens the designers of these amazing crop circles?` shows two stills of the 22 June 2006 Lurkley Hill, Nr Lockeridge and the 23 June 2006 Windmill Hill circle. It also shows men in dark clothes lurking in the darkness in a field and hedgerow thus giving the unmistakable impression of human involvement.
The third trailer shows us Richard Ambrose putting forward several theories, some fairly ridiculous as to the origin of crop circles. Following this I come on and speak for 42 seconds. Using clever photography it then shows me distorted and looking an idiot.
No mention was made of my research.
Next we see John Lundberg, Will ? and Robert Irwin assembling in the field of wheat with their planks and a 100 metre surveyors measuring tape; the tools they need to construct the circle.

To add insult to injury, presenter Richard Ambrose then joins the trio and proceeds to take part in stomping down the wheat. All this takes approx: 2 and a half minutes of viewing time.
When I queried why one the trailers had shown the commissioned circle being made I was told `That is what the public wants to see`.
I would suggest that the general public wants to hear the truth and that the announcement at the beginning of the film that they were going to `establish the facts` was just as dishonourable and dishonest as the producers had been to me. We all know that man made formations do exist, but why do programme producers run scared of revealing the scientific facts and figures that show beyond all doubt that a real phenomenon exists. Of what are they frightened or what is their hidden agenda for concealing this information?
I believe I was misled into appearing in a programme that not only was heavily weighted in favour of the man made element but was also disinterested in presenting the public with any scientific research results.
There was a time when the programmes produced by or for the National Geographic were programmes of scientific integrity and fact. They were a scion of truth. Sadly this is no longer the case, they are as bad as the worst tabloids pandering to what they consider the public wants to see and hear. They are no longer to be trusted with the truth.
Editorial note by Andreas Müller
While it is nothing new that nearly every summer another TV-Channel, Newspaper or self-styled scpetic organisation is commisioning new man hoaxes, it may wonder the reader to know that the 2007 filming project was not the first conducted by "National Geographic". The same chanell already commissioned at least two hoaxes in the summer of 2004 - again in Wiltshire. All information about this activities can be found in our following article: "'NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC CHANNEL' COMMISSIONED HOAX AT WEST KENNETT LONG BARROW" together with Nancy Talbot's: "COMMENTS ON NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC'S 'BEYOND THE MYSTERY" CROP CIRCLE SHOW"